
Our action consists of informing the maximum of people about drugs and their spreading amongst youth. Only real prevention can eradicate the curse of drugs.

Only people with a loving interest can take charge to prevent our children becoming the target of drug dealers, legal and illegal.

Parents are best suited to teach their children how to refuse drugs and to run prevention campaigns.

Someone who does not take drugs cannot become a drug addict. Unlike a disease that is caught, drugs can be refused. We have to give our children weapons to fight drugs in telling them the truth about drugs.

We all have to give our children the best protection against drugs by telling them the truth about them.

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Courses for parents, teachers, school nurses, grandparents, adults involved in education and youth leaders...

These courses take place over 1 day and are designed to provide training on drug products in circulation and ways in which avoid the dangers of being surrounded by drugs.

For more details click here  



Short course (2 hour duration) with a presentation focused around three axes:

Click here for more details



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  • The drug is everywhere: 70% of college students consume it in an occasional or regular manner. The second most consumed drug is poppers.

  • The products on offer have stronger and stronger doses: cannabis in the 60s contained 0.6 to 6% THC (tetrahydrocannabinol, the principal active ingredient in cannabis). Today it contains 10 to 35% THC. Dependence starts very quickly. See the section Cannabis
  • It takes 4 days to eliminate half the amount of cannabis absorbed from the body. Cannabis is stored in the body for a minimum of 28 days.

  • Cannabis: an ensnaring drug for adolescents. At first they do it for fun to be like everyone else, but very quickly it becomes irresistible.
  • Cannabis: a gateway to other drugs.
  • Cannabis: leads to drug addiction. A youth who takes cannabis will quickly move on to other drugs.



  • No one says it but cannabis raises the threshold of tolerance to alcohol. A young user of cannabis can drink many glasses of alcohol without getting drunk. He will not realise that he is abusing alcohol and could end up in an ethyl induced coma (without cannabis, vomiting would be the first warning sign). Cannabis stays a minimum of 28 days in the body, consuming alcohol, even a while after taking drugs can lead to ethyl induced comas.
  • Users accustomed to the high rate of THC in cannabis must drink either large quantities of alcohol or a high level of alcohol in order to feel the effects.
  • A high level of alcohol consumption in the majority of cases masks the consumption of other drugs.
  • In an experiment carried out on rats, rats that were given alcohol refused it. When they were given cannabis, they took it. From that moment on, if they were given alcohol they drank it in large quantities.



  • Do not mix these up: young people will be unwell (malaise, depression, suicide) as a result of their drug use and not the other way round.
  • Young people who are said to have malaise, depression, are often "cured" by being prescribed legal drugs (anti-depressants, anti-anxiety, sleeping pills ...). Though the secondary effects of these legal drugs are also malaise, depression, suicide ... It would be better to tell them the truth and explain to them that when they cease using drugs, they will no longer by depressed. Prescribing them legal drugs often results in an interaction between the drugs with disastrous consequences for the individual (depression and suicides).
  • How do people die from drugs> SUICIDE, road accidents, drownings ...
  • Suicide is a consequence of consuming psychotropics, whether they are legal (antidepressants, anti-anxiety, sleeping pills) or illegal (street drugs).
  • Drugs are not a sickness. They do no cure themselves, they are only stopped through abstinence see the section Withdrawal



  • With cannabis, violence and scholastic failure are only one step away ...
  • School absenteeism: many young users are unable to get up in the morning.
  • School failure: losing control of his professional future as a result of a fall in school grades, the young person no longer controls his academic path.
  • Physical and verbal violence which increase in families and public spaces.



  • Currently much is done to demonize tobacco. It is a powerful toxin, dangerous in the long term for health, but it is not a psychotropic drug (which affects the spirit). It is not by smoking tobacco that one becomes a drug addict!
  • It is drugs, and not tobacco, that causes violence amongst young people, numerous suicides, delinquency and criminality.



  • It is better to prevent it than to fight it! An informed young person will know why he must refuse drugs and will inform his friends.
  • "Parents should do everything to prevent drugs being taken for the first time. Parents should not lower their arms in the face of the growing trivialization of cannabis." Raymond Yans, President of the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB)


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