To teach our children how to refuse drugs we have to tell them the truth. To get our child or teenager or young adult to listen to us, parents, and believe what we have to tell them, we have to be trusted by them. Nowadays they are bombarded by contradictory pieces of information through advertising, media and so on. So why would our child listen to us and what is more, believe us?
A baby in his mother's arms moves us. A teenager who commits suicide is a news item for the tabloids, but a catastrophe for his parents.
Between those two moments there is often the consumption of psychotropic drugs.
Since the creation of Enfance Sans Drogue nearly 15 years ago, we have acquired a very good knowledge of the "terrain". Indeed, we have received many testimonies from parents and young people about the consequences of using drugs and on the motivations of teenagers to take drugs.
Self-esteem is not a vainglorious title that attracts esteem from others. It does not show itself in loud boastful celebrations of the ambitious. Unlike the elite values bought through privileges, relationships, publicity, lies, twists and embezzlements, it is a quiet and personal feeling.
Those who take drugs know this and the drug-addict even more so. They have lost their self-esteem.
Everyone who has been a victim of drugs thought drugs couldn't touch them. But because the drugs market is targeted at them, most of the information that surrounds them is false. This misinformation comes from people who sell drugs or who use them and promote them either to justify their behavior or for financial gain.
In France, 50% of youth aged 15 to 19 regularly consume psychotropic drugs, such as cannabis, poppers, tranquillizers, amphetamines, antidepressants, benzodiazepines, cocaine and so on. It is the highest level of consumption in Europe and the percentage of suicide amongst those aged 14 to 24 is the highest in the world! We can say that this is a real scam, collaborated by and with the connivance of, to a greater or lesser extent, health professionals and many parents.
Our children are ill because they take drugs and we are told that they take drugs because they are ill.
You're a doctor, professional ... and you have a waiting room?
Member Organization of Make Mothers Matter, granted General Consultative Status by the United Nations.