
This is the phenomenon of "releasing". When one consumes cannabis, THC enters the blood circulation and provokes effects that are later sought by the user. THC is stored in the body fats from where it is released in case of stress or fear. Many road accidents can be explained this way.

When in a dangerous incident on the road, the situation awareness of a consumer, whose reflexes are already impaired even if he has not used recently, is modified. He may be able to avoid the accident, but he is scared. The THC stored in the body fats is then released. It is more than likely that at the next intersection, without any obvious reason, an accident will occur.

One can never know the amount that is stored in the fats. It depends on one's body, on the product that has been consumed and on the releasing that has been occurring.


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Does alcohol mixed with cannabis have harmful effects?

  • Yes
  • No


 When you consume alcohol and cannabis simultaneously, these products mutually increase their effects. The current practice is to use alcohol and cannabis at the same time. Many young people nowadays use this common method to try to get “stoned”.

Are there pills to stop drugs ?

  • Yes
  • No


Drugs are not a disease. The best way to stop them is not to take any. Heroin addicts who achieved withdraw admit that complete abstinence is the only solution. They say it themselves : it is more difficult to withdraw from Subutex (substitution drugs) than from heroin…

Can a psychotropic drug lead to ill being, depression, suicide?

  • Yes
  • No


Any psychotropic drug, be it legal - anxiolytic, tranquillizer, benzodiazepine, neuroleptic - or illegal - street drugs - leads to ill-being, depression and to suicide. See table with side effects of psychotropic drugs – Technical Information/Classification .

Voir le tableau des effets secondaires des drogues psychotropes (Fiches  / Classification)

Is alcohol a drug?

  • Yes
  • No


Yes, Alcohol is a sedative drug. In drinking regularly a large amount of alcohol, one becomes an alcoholic within a few years. Alcohol is characteristically able to potentialize the effect of all other drugs it is mixed with. If one mixes alcohol with another or others drugs, one can very rapidly become a drug-addict.

If one has consumed drugs, is s/he tempted to take some more?

  • Yes
  • No


Most drugs are stored in the body fats for years. During an exertion, a walk, sport, fear, surprise, stimulation, a bit of fat is burnt and very small quantities of drugs are released into the blood circulation. This will reactivate the effects of the drugs, making the user feel that they want more.