
This is a new phenomenon. In order to increase the effects of drugs, youth consume more and more alcohol. Hence one could say that alcohol is a potentializer.

Alcohol is legal and accepted by parents. Young people are easily able to display bottles of alcohol while simultaneously hiding their consumption of drugs. Then the majority of parents think that youth consume a lot of alcohol. This is true but they do not know that most of the time, youth consume both alcohol and cannabis or alcohol and other drugs.

Dr Chamayou, an author of a PhD thesis called "The Dangers of Hashish: the last discoveries in science" quotes: "If a rat is given cannabis, he starts drinking alcohol, whereas without cannabis, he will not drink any."

Cannabis is a gateway to a high consumption of alcohol.


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If one has consumed drugs, is s/he tempted to take some more?

  • Yes
  • No


Most drugs are stored in the body fats for years. During an exertion, a walk, sport, fear, surprise, stimulation, a bit of fat is burnt and very small quantities of drugs are released into the blood circulation. This will reactivate the effects of the drugs, making the user feel that they want more.

Are there pills to stop drugs ?

  • Yes
  • No


Drugs are not a disease. The best way to stop them is not to take any. Heroin addicts who achieved withdraw admit that complete abstinence is the only solution. They say it themselves : it is more difficult to withdraw from Subutex (substitution drugs) than from heroin…

Are our physicians concerned by drug addiction ?

  • Yes
  • No


Physicians are the first witnesses of drug addiction (See: News or Did you know sections)

Does alcohol mixed with cannabis have harmful effects?

  • Yes
  • No


 When you consume alcohol and cannabis simultaneously, these products mutually increase their effects. The current practice is to use alcohol and cannabis at the same time. Many young people nowadays use this common method to try to get “stoned”.

Is an occasional joint dangerous ?

  • Yes
  • No


A joint is made out of pure cannabis or grass; or hashish mixed with tobacco.
Alcohol is a general term, which covers a wide variety of products:
wine, cider, beer, port, cognac, whisky, vodka are types of alcohol with various rates of alcoholic content ranging from 5 to 90 ° (active principles)
Cannabis works the same way: but when we talk about a joint of grass or hashish, there are more than 100 varieties and its T.H.C. rate (active principles) –ranges from 4% to 35% - goes unnoted.alcools aux taux variés de 5 à 90 degrés ( principes actifs)