
All parents who have children who use drugs can attest that they are sad, they have lost the drive to work hard, their goodwill and because of their mistakes, their self-esteem.

So why does my child take drugs, you ask.
Because, even if tomorrow will be difficult, for an instant drugs will satisfy all his desires. The price to be paid by him to rediscover happiness within himself is fraught with consequences: he must take drugs again.

The way out of it will be long and painful and will require, believe it or not, effort and goodwill. Let us listen to the moving testimonies of those who have been trapped and who have gone down this slippery slope, which goes from an artificial paradise to the hell of drugs. Abstinence is the only way out but it is long and painful one.
With the family, let us repeat this short phrase, which was spoken loudly and clearly by a 7th grade pupil in front of his class. "I think it is easier to never take any than it is to stop."

Marie-Christine d'Welles