
Our action consists of informing the maximum of people about drugs and their spreading amongst youth. Only real prevention can eradicate the curse of drugs.

Only people with a loving interest can take charge to prevent our children becoming the target of drug dealers, legal and illegal.

Parents are best suited to teach their children how to refuse drugs and to run prevention campaigns.

Someone who does not take drugs cannot become a drug addict. Unlike a disease that is caught, drugs can be refused. We have to give our children weapons to fight drugs in telling them the truth about drugs.

We all have to give our children the best protection against drugs by telling them the truth about them.

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Courses for parents, teachers, school nurses, grandparents, adults involved in education and youth leaders...

These courses take place over 1 day and are designed to provide training on drug products in circulation and ways in which avoid the dangers of being surrounded by drugs.

For more details click here  



Short course (2 hour duration) with a presentation focused around three axes:

Click here for more details



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